Dragon Order
A Dragon Order is a military division within the Dragon Corps that divides up The Dragons of Offworld into individual primary military units consisting of approximately 800 dragons each. These are further broken down into companies, platoons and squads, with commanders over each of them. While there are no official ranks for each of these command positions, the rank of each individual commander is determined by their place within the command hierarchy. Rank titles would be stated as "Commander of the 3rd platoon, 2nd company, 5th order" for example, denoting the commander's place in the hierarchy, and to which units they belong respectively. There are two Dragon Orders per weyr and these are in turn directly overseen by Weyr Master, who is in charge of the entire weyr, and the two dragon orders under his command. The commanders of these two orders, in turn, report directly to him, and then delegate their orders down to their subordinates through the change of command. Each dragon commander in charge of their own order has eight regiment commanders under them, each in charge of a hundred dragons each, which act in much the same capacity as a Roman Centurion. Those units are in turn broken down into four platoons of twenty five dragons each, and those subdivided down into squads of five dragons each, plus their squad commander.