Life debt

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A life debt is a debt of honor, given by one who has been rescued, to the one who rescued them, and must be repaid by doing the same in kind to the one to whom they own the debt. This debt has no expiration period and must be fulfilled by the one who owes the debt in order to fulfill their honor. There is no limit to how many life debts someone can have, and the debt only expires when either the one to whom it is owed dies, the one who owes it dies, or the debt is repaid. If one or both parties dies before the debt is repaid, the honor of the one who owes the debt is irreparably destroyed, often resulting in the one owning the debt committing suicide in shame and dishonor at not being able to fulfill their duty in repaying the life debt. In some rare cases, a life debt can be forgiven without damaging the honor of the one who owes it if both parties agree to suspend the debt. A good example of this rare case is seen in the case of Birash and Yurg, where Yurg builds up so many life debts that the only way to be relieved from it is to have them forgiven by Birash, which he does so gladly.