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The Aldovians are tall (about 7ft), hairless, humanoid lifeforms that hail from the planet of Andovia, deep within Yandian space. They are a well known race, despite being only six billion in number, as they are famous for their often questionable choices in masters, and those whom they serve. Aldovians are typically seen in the servant roll of the Juinah, the Serians, and a number of other races. The Aldovians, unlike other servants of the Juinah and other groups and races, are never slaves, but rather willing servants of the masters that they choose. They are also never hired, but rather willingly choose who will be their masters, and hold to them with a loyalty that is unswerving, as per their culture. They are fair skinned, with a somewhat bony appearance, yet possess sufficient strength to adequately undertake their required servant duties. They are most commonly seen in the attendant roll of servant hood and always follow their masters wherever they go, seeing to their every need.