
From ROI Wiki

The Ahbranai are the ancient ancestors of the Yigzan and are known within the galaxy as "The Star Builders" because of their incredibly advanced technology that gives them the ability to literally build stars, planets, and the like. They are the most advanced race in the galaxy by far, but are also, in general, with few exceptions (such as Psial and Yazik) are prideful, cruel, malevolent and controlling. They see themselves as gods and act accordingly, enslaving all other races under their control via the Commonwealth, the political arm of the Ahbranai created with the express purpose of controlling all the other races and making them enslave themselves willingly.

Known Ahbranai

Ahbranai Houses

  • House Carin is the second biggest and most powerful of all the Ahbranai royal houses and is ruled by the evil and cruel Lord Maisenches. It's biggest and most direct rivals are House Monty, and the house of Emperor Kildron.
  • House Abradas is a former Ahbranai great house that fell upon hard times, and eventually shattered into 26 separate minor kingdoms. However, seeking allies in their battle against House Carin, Breakman recruits Lord Jes to reunite his family's house and use its power against the other Ahbranai houses, and all those who stood against freedom for all within the galaxy.
  • House Monty is the biggest and most powerful of all the Ahbranai royal houses and is ruled by the evil and cruel Lord Bricket. The direct heir to his throne is Psial, even though he doesn't want the job.
  • House Royal is the house of the emperor. It's actual official name is different, but most in the galaxy just refer to it as "The Royal House" or "House Royal" as it is the same house as Emperor Kildron, thus where it gets its name.