Galactic Core

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The Galactic Core is the name for the very center of the Milky Way and consists of a large, sphere like bulge of large, powerful black holes, stars and incredibly dense and powerful nebulas of gas and energy that are extremely dangerous to navigate through. There is also a massive super black hole located at the very center of the galaxy that is so dangerous that the UGW, and later the ASW declared off limits for the safety of all. However, the reasons behind this ruling was less about the dangers that this section of space presented, and more to do with the strange collections of powerful, ancient alien technology that far, far exceeds anything currently in use or available in the wider galaxy at large. Thus, to prevent these seemingly abandoned pieces of super technology from being discovered and possibly used against the other races, or word of their existence leaking out into the wider galaxy, the area was declared off limits, with anyone violating those orders being immediately executed on the spot, and their ship destroyed in order to keep the truth hidden.