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Mountain kingdom.jpg

Terifall is a widely spread out mountain kingdom located in the Wendrock Mountains located to the west of The Giant Mountains. It's capital city is Eryton, which is about 85 miles from the outer border of the kingdom. Terifall is ruled by an elected monarchy where the king, lords, and other royalty are elected by the people, and serve for a period of 10 years, but no more than 20, or two terms, and which rule over the kingdom in the same way as a regular generational monarchy would. The laws of the kingdom are governed by the restraints of a constitution that both defines the power of the king, and the other lords and royalty of whom the people elect, as well as limits their power to a specific set of things which they either can, or cannot do.

In the same way as a republic, those same individuals can be impeached and removed from power should they do anything that is illegal, corrupt, against the constitution, or is not in the best interests of their citizenry. The kingdom also enjoys a shorter than usual growing season, due to their location high in the mountains. However, in exchange for their service to the controllers, they are granted special provision where, whatever they can't grow for themselves, especially long season crops, is provided to them. The rest is either grown outdoors, or in a multitude of special greenhouses, the materials for which are also provided by the controllers to help them survive and continue their duty.

Notable Holidays