Tragarian boot kicker

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A Tragarian boot kicker is a hard liqueur, similar to whiskey, that is produced within Tragarian space. The name "boot kicker" comes from Sol Space due to its incredible strength as a drink. The original Tragarian name for the drink roughly translates to "The Lava Water That Makes Heroes." In short, if you're a Tragarian, and you drink this, and survive, then you are a hero and warrior, or at least one in the making. The drink is extremely potent in flavor despite not having a very high alcohol content. This is due to the plants that it is made from in Tragarian space.

Despite its incredibly strong flavor, there are many in Sol Space who love it, and highly recommend it to everyone. It's also a crowd favorite at Grog's Tavern and sells at a premium price because of this. To humans who drink it, the beverage is described as being similar in flavor to Kentucky Whiskey, with accents of burbon and vodka mixed in. And, despite this odd mix of flavors, everyone who has ever tried it loves the drink, and would recommend it to anyone who loves a strong drink that will give you a "good kick in the pants". :)