Bellimeir is a horse belonging to Simon's team who joins them on their journey after he is given to Birash by Esther to replace Tiny as his primary mount.
General Info
Bellimeir is a male horse from a local breed of horses native to the planet of Offworld that is very similar in many ways to a Clydesdale or a Shire horse and are exceptionally tall and stout. Their breed is typically used for plowing fields, but Bellimeir was raised to be a riding horse, as Esther's husband was unusually large, much like Birash is, and thus needed a larger than normal horse to ride. Bellimeir is also a very noble, sturdy, dependable horse. He also holds Caesar, the oldest of the horses, in high regard, deferring to his leadership and experience, despite being much larger and stronger than him. Bellimeir's age is unknown as Simon is uncertain of his exact age.