The Ages of Offworld
Long Form Time, or Ages on the planet of Offworld, is made up of three general periods of time, each one lasting several hundred or more years in duration. The first is known as the Dawn Period and consists of all time up until the planet was terraformed. The next period is called BFR or "Before First Racer", and consists of all time from the completion of terraforming up until the very first racers arrived on Offworld, and The Race of Offworld began. All time after that date is called AFR or "After First Racer", and denotes the period of time in which the race has been operating. The current date, as of the start of The Race is 502 AFR in the Offworld equivalent of the month of May. Book 3, Gold Rush begins in the month of January, 503 AFR. Once the Race of Offworld is eventually won, a 4th age will be added to the calendar, and will mark the time period starting at the completion of the race, out into perpetuity.