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A Hyperluminal drive is an FTL technology that propels a ship through normal space at speeds exceeding the speed of light. Not much is known about this technology, other than the fact that it was used by a number of races back in antiquity. Its use eventually fell off when Warp Drive was introduced, not because it's faster, as hyperluminal is superior in speed. However, course changes, navigation and maneuvering inside of a hyperluminal stream is difficult at best, and impossible at worst. This can sometimes lead to some unfortunate issues while traveling at FTL, and thus requires near perfect plotting of flight courses using super powerful super computers to properly calculate jump trajectories and necessary in flight course corrections which are, unfortunately, done blind due to the nature of the FTL technology. That, in turn, makes Warp Drive a better technology when navigation and maneuvering in FTL are important. Not much is known about the original adopters of Hyperluminal drive. But one of the races that's theorized to have adopted it briefly is the Razkor as they were well known for being very early and often adopters of numerous advanced technologies, a fact which led to their destruction.