Fleet Ranks

From ROI Wiki

Many of the ranks in Earthfleet are based around the ranking system used by the US Navy and share many similarities with them. However, due to the uniqueness of Earthfleet's mission, it's rank and command structure differ from that of the US Navy, and most other navy's on Earth. Below is a breakdown of all the ranks, both officer and enlisted, and their respective insignia. Officer ranks are always worn on both collars when in dress uniform, and on the right arm when in work uniform. Enlisted rank is always worn on the left arm, between the shoulder and elbow, in both dress and work uniforms. Enlisted dress rank is always the brightly colored rank insignia. Work and combat uniforms instead employ the olive drab subdued rank insignia as it blends in with the uniform.

Officer Ranks

Duties/Other Info
GRAND ADMIRAL.jpg Grand Admiral Highest ranking officer and leader of Earthfleet
VICE GRAND ADMIRAL.jpg Vice Grand Admiral Second in command of Earthfleet
ADMIRAL.jpg Admiral Generally in charge of fleet groups, stations or regions within Sol Space
VICE ADMIRAL.jpg Vice Admiral Acts as an adjutant to an Admiral, commands a station or facility with Sol Space, or a combat fleet
REAR ADMIRAL.jpg Rear Admiral Acts as an adjutant to an Admiral, commands a station or facility with Sol Space, or a combat fleet
COMMADORE.jpg Commodore Acts as an adjutant to a Rear or Vice Admiral, commands a station or facility with Sol Space, or a combat fleet
CAPTAIN.jpg Captain Commands a starship, a section or region within a station or facility, or an infantry unit.
COMMANDER.jpg Commander Commands a starship, a section or region within a station or facility, or an infantry unit.
LIEUTENANT COMMANDER.jpg Lieutenant Commander Commands a starship, a section or region within a station or facility, or an infantry unit.
LIEUTENANT.jpg Lieutenant Serves as a command or adjutant officer in charge of a unit within a starship, station or facility.
LIEUTENANT JG.jpg Lieutenant JG Serves as a command or adjutant officer in charge of a unit within a starship, station or facility.
ENSIGN.jpg Ensign Serves as a command or adjutant officer in charge of a unit within a starship, station or facility.
(No insignia) Cadet Officer in Training. Normal work and dress uniforms have no rank insignia. If they do have insignia, it's academy insignia, which is only used during their time in the academy to signify their rank or position among the other cadets, but is inferior to an Ensign, and carries no weight of actual command.

Enlisted Ranks

Insignia, Dress
Insignia, Duty
Duties/Other Info
Senior Masterchief.jpg Senior Masterchief subdued.jpg Senior Master Chief Highest ranking enlisted NCO in Earthfleet. Serves under the Grand Admiral and in Command Core.
Masterchief.jpg Masterchief subdued.jpg Master Chief Serves at the fleet command level of Earthfleet, and is in charge of the enlisted in fleet groups, stations, regions, and in fleets.
Seniorchief.jpg Seniorchief subdued.jpg Senior Chief Serves at the fleet command level of Earthfleet, and is in charge of the enlisted in fleets, stations, regions, and sometimes starships as well, depending on their size.
Chief.jpg Chief subdued.jpg Chief Petty Officer In charge of the enlisted aboard starships, stations and in fleet facilities.
Petty.jpg Petty subdued.jpg Petty Officer In charge of groups of enlisted aboard starships, stations and in fleet facilities, usually at the section level.
Jrpetty.jpg Jrpetty subdued.jpg Jr. Petty Officer In charge of groups of enlisted aboard starships, stations and in fleet facilities, usually at the section or platoon level.
1stclass.jpg 1stclass subdued.jpg 1st Class In charge of enlisted members aboard starships, stations and in fleet facilities, usually at the squad or platoon level. Sometimes operates as a general crewman.
2ndclass.jpg 2ndclass subdued.jpg 2nd Class Can sometimes be in charge of enlisted members aboard starships, stations and in fleet facilities, usually at the squad level, but usually operates as a general crewman.
3rdclass.jpg 3rdclass subdued.jpg 3rd Class Operates as a general crewman.
Crewman.jpg Crewman subdued.jpg Crewman Operates as a general crewman. Enlisted of this rank don't necessarily wear a rank badge as this rank is for new recruits, and those fresh out of boot camp that have less than 6 months in service. This rank is rarely worn as it has no chevrons to be displayed. Thus, those without a rank patch are usually assumed to be of this rank.