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Gobat is a game that combines elements of Rugby, and American Football, with many of the same rules, which is played on an obstacle course like field where points are added or deducted in the form of "rinks" based on not just whether a team scores, but also how they perform each play, and whether it is worthy of more points (aka rinks), no points, or a loss of points. It is the national sport of the Yigzan (who created it), and is enjoyed by all three races, with each of them fielding at least one team within the league. The Tree Hackers, a Gorg startup team, are one of the best teams in the league, and are known to give even the best teams from the Yigzan and the Sattazin a run for their money. This game is also a huge favorite of Tgegani who is a super fan of the game, making sure that he's at every game he can be.