Delta Star
The Delta Star is the privately owned starship of Gres Margoon, an old friend of Joel Pendleton, and a well seasoned, and highly skilled captain who is anonymous throughout the galaxy, save within certain darker and shadier parts of the galaxy, where he and his ship act as a transport, courier and operations platform for cover missions of all kinds. In fact, Lars Nordic and Joel Pendleton have hired him on a number of occasions to transport spies all throughout the galaxy whenever operations from one of their own ships is either too risky (ie, they don't want to risk being identified), or when the team being sent out needs to blend in and appear to be just another random crew out on an exploratory mission.
Very little is known about the ship, save that it was originally constructed at the Agalasia shipyards in the galactic western Gayik'Von territories as a Type 1 Sa'bo'ska base model, high speed, light cargo transport that was later on heavily modified by its owner, Gres Margoon, into a covert operations starship. The fact that it started out its life as a light cargo transport is irrelevant as the Type 1 Sa'bo'ska is used as the foundation for a while range of customized starships as it makes an excellent platform for a multitude of upgrades and modification as its superstructure is extremely rugged, durable, and resilient to all harm and damage. This makes it perfect for use in the application for which the Delta Star was created.
It has a minimal crew of four, but can host up to 85 people onboard across various locations. The living conditions might be a little cozy, but it works well for short missions where large amounts of people, and/or cargo, are needing to be transported. The two forward facing shuttle bays hold up to 8 fighters, or 8 shuttles each, and are designed to be able to deploy or retrieve those ships while under fire and full shields. The ship's weapons and defensive configuration are a mystery, and are held in greatest secrecy to ensure the safety, and security of the ship. However, the multiple torpedo and pulse cannon emplacements, both fixed, and retractable, indicate that she is not weak in any sense of the word.
Known Crew (Galayoan mission)
While the Delta Star has a normal crew of only 3 (one less than the required minimum), on this mission she has ten, which includes the ship's base crew. They are as follows:
Field Team
- Shadow (codename, Angalorian, martial arts/combat specialist/sniper)
- Moog (codename, Tragarian, explosives and demolitions expert)
- Rex (codename, Griesey, operations, sciences, computer expert)
- Chamber (codename, human, special forces, cipher and code expert)
- Blue (codename, Frawn, assassin/weapons expert)
Ship's Primary Crew:
- Arturas (Berenguer, ship's doctor and a shamen.)
- Gres Margoon (Dranthian, ship owner, engineer)
- Daroth (Serian, of the nest of Morkudas, pilot)
- Flint (codename, human, captain of mission)
- Clank (robotic blue bird, spy, scout, crew advisor)
When the ship is in operation, the ship's primary crew, with the help of Moog (tactical) and Rex (science/operations), see to the proper operation and maintenance of the Delta Star. When the field team is deployed, Moog, Rex and Clank go with them, with Clank operating as the team's scout and advisor.