The Gayik'Von are an anthropomorphic reptoid species and one of The Nine Ancient Races. They control a large swath of the Milky way galaxy that is approximately 1/9th of all inhabitable space, and are the race whose inner system border is closest to the UGW, and ASW homeworlds. It is deep within Gayik'Von space that Sol Sector exists, and it is the Gayik'Von who were instrumental in the Brayburn Society's, and later Earthfleet's first steps into the wider universe. The Gayik'Von and Earth also hold a very close friendship, and a mutual defense agreement, although that agreement tends to be more along the lines of the Gayik'Von protecting Earth, than Earth protecting the much, much larger Gayik'Von republic. Even so, they are good friends and great allies.
It is from the Gayik'Von that many of Earthfleet's early ships drew their design inspiration, and a degree of their technology. Due to their size, and the difficulties in ruling such a large republic, their system of government uses a unique tiered leadership system with one single president presiding over 10 adjutant presidents, who in turn preside over other prefecture presidents who, in turn, are responsible politically for their own individual regions. These leaders are in turn each complimented by their own regional senates, who in turn report to a primary senate who overseas all the affairs of the republic. The Gayik'Von call Vocrac their world of origin, and their primary currency is the Selt.
Gayik'Von, being a reptilian species, don't have live born offspring, but instead lay something akin to a dragon's egg, being that each egg is green, bumpy, and somewhat speckled in appearance. A normal Gayik'Von egg will hatch within 90 days of being laid. A typical Gayik'Von infant is independent at birth, and can fend for themselves upon hatching. However, most are tended to, and nurtured by their parents, until they reach the adult age of 18-20 years (Gayik-Von age, which is around 19-21 human years) when most tend to strike out on their own. A typical family will raise an average of 10 children, of which 6 make it to adulthood, with only 2-3 of them surviving to old age. This is due to a general failing of Gayik'Von genetics, leading to early death, despite their advanced medical technology. Adult mortality, however, tends to be heavily influenced by environmental issues that can lead to the shortening of the typical lifespans, including war, social upheaval, accidents, and other intervening factors.
Known Gayik'Von
- V'sin - Adjutant President
- Nilk - Ambassador (UGW/ASW)
- Pelk - Scientist/Engineer
- Tay'Tan - Destroyer Captain
- K'vin - Astrometrics Specialist
- Taria - Warp/FTL specialist
- Viceroy - Physics specialist
- Tegmar - Counselor General
- Sevok - Admiral