James Remiru

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James Remiru.png
Name: James Remiru
Occupation: Pirate/Merchant
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: Late 40's
Home: Bremen Te Barro
Height: 6'1"
Alliances: Manwan Despon, Grootwand

James Remiru is a pirate, a merchant, and the captain of The Flying Coachman, a light, fast attack clipper ship and merchant vessel operating strictly on the Great Sea. His ship and crew are often used for intervention actions in support of Manwan Despon's main pirate fleet, as well as scouting, smuggling, and occasional merchant activities. However, despite his life of piracy, one that was forced on him by Despon in repayment for a debt that he owes him, Remiru has other plans, and wants to be an honest sailor and merchant, and give up his life of piracy in trade for life as a sea merchant under the employment of the kingdom of Grootwand. He eventually breaks free of Despon's iron fisted grip while taking Simon's team across the Great Sea to the other side. His actions in escaping from Despon's control also set in motion events that destroy Despon and bring his kingdom to ruin. His first officer is San Cortez.