San Cortez

From ROI Wiki
San Cortez.jpeg
Name: San Cortez
Occupation: Pirate/Merchant
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: Late 30's
Home: Bremen Te Barro
Height: 6'0"
Alliances: Manwan Despon, Grootwand

San Cortez is the first officer of the Flying Coachman and James Remiru's right hand man. He's a quiet man, but also a very effective officer and commander. He knows how to lead a ship, and do the most with the least available resources. He also supports Remiru in whatever endeavors that he undertakes, no matter how crazy they are. He is eventually led to Christ by his captain, and becomes a strong Christian leader as a result, even though he remains aboard the Coachman and serve with Remiru his entire life.