Summoning Witch

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Summoning witch.jpg

A Summoning Witch is a witch or wizard used by The Syndicate to transport the human members of Section 17, The Dragons of Offworld, or anyone else they need to move from the real world into their special meeting space where they can discuss things secretly and in total privacy. In the early days of The Syndicate, the witches were the only and singular form of travel available to Section 17. However, later technological advancements, such as Flash and Gateway Transporter have rendered them no longer required for the majority of transport needs. Only journeys into and out of the special secret space that the Brotherhood uses still require their services, as Section 17 has yet to discover where this place is, how to enter it, or even how to leave without the help of the witches.

However, while their usefulness to Section 17 and the Brotherhood has decreased over the years, they are still regularly used for summoning members of the other party for meetings or other discussions. Sheobaal is one of those who has been summoned by one of the witches on behalf of the Chief Director to discuss a matter of importance. The Chief Director eventually hopes to completely eliminate the need for them in their relationship with the Brotherhood, as he feels they are spies. But, the race ends before he's able to achieve that, rendering that goal no longer necessary.