Alliance of Sentient Worlds

From ROI Wiki

The Alliance of Sentient Worlds or ASW as they are more commonly known, is an intergalactic peace keeping organization similar in design to NATO, and which performs a very similar responsibility to the wider galaxy. However, unlike NATO, or even its predecessor, the UGW, the organization is far more effective, and suffers from less corruption than the UGW, even though it struggles to get off the ground, with bitter arguments, and even physical confrontations between delegates being common in the early years before the organization truly comes into its own. It is eventually able to succeed through the application of a new and unique joint governance model, which is starkly in contrast to the UGW's very tight and restrictive senatorial model. The ASW calls the planet of Biar its home.


Membership in the ASW follows along similar lines to that of the UGW, save only that it does not count any Citizen Members among its ranks, nor does it have the Alliance of Nine, nor any other special place within its halls for The Nine Ancient Races in the same way as the UGW did. And, strangely enough, most of the members of the Nine are content with this, having realized that their special treatment within the UGW had actually caused more problems than it'd solved. Therefore, they contented themselves with taking a more equal footing with the other charter and treaty members the ASW with the intention of creating a more lasting and resilient peace across the galaxy. Only the Pront and the Angalorians took issue with this. However, being outnumbered 7 to 2 by the other members of the Nine, they begrudgingly accepted their new, and considerably lesser place within galactic politics.


Much about the ASW is identical to the UGW. However, for the senators, and other diplomats gathered there, most prefer to stay at the Senatorial Towers where they are taken care of and pampered in much the same way they were at the UGW's Ambassadorial Towers.