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Breakman's original form, as a small service robot

Breakman is a small humanoid service robot, about 3' tall, that is built and programmed by Edias Burgon as a friend, companion and servant to Persia while he's away long days working on his project to construct Tgegani and the other Burgon Lions. However, shortly after he's gifted to her, Meshua appears and gives both a soul, and sentience, to the little droid. Breakman then becomes an indispensable champion and helper to the entire family, both the lions, as well as Burgon and Persia. He later becomes an official member of the family, and it's maintenance caretaker, and eventually their primary monetary provider and bread winner.

He's a scrappy, sarcastic, but big hearted character who cares for his family, his people, and anyone else who he sees as oppressed or wronged. He is also a technological genius in his own right, and a strong contender for his father's title of best cybernetic scientist in all of Braisail. In the wake of his parent's death, he takes over the role of caretaker for his large, and diverse family, by first developing, and then building entirely new bodies for Tgegani, and the other lions, using designs developed by his father prior to his death. However, the level of technology, and complexity of the design produced by Burgon, prove to be too much, even for him. As a result, it takes him nearly twenty years to completely decipher the plans, technology, and designs for the new lion bodies.

However, once that is completed, he transfers the consciousness of every lion in his family into their new bodies, thus fully restoring the entirety of the Burgon pride, all 656 lions, thus allowing them to return to their previous duties of protecting their people, the Yigzan. Once this work is completed, he becomes the full time maintenance, and caretaker of his family, along with the assistance of Dr. Jarg and some other scientists, who look after any injured or damaged Burgon lions. He eventually uses some of this technology, along with a bunch that he has developed himself, and starts a company known as Burgon Cybernetics, which he grows into a massive enterprise that supplies the needs of people all over the planet.

Breakman in his later Yigzan cybernetic form

This includes robotics, cybernetic proshetics, and much more. Some of the latter items, however, comes from his reverse engineering of the highly advanced cybernetic technology of Dr. Slao, which he finds to be far more advanced than anything he has ever seen before. Eventually he uses this technology to build himself a new cybernetic body that looks, feels, and acts entirely human in every way, so much so that it even briefly fools Tgegani when he first goes to see his brother at the company headquarters. Breakman then takes the profits from his company and uses them to supply all of his family's needs, removing them from the need to constantly ask the Yigzan government for funding as they'd been forced to do before this.

Breakman later on acquires the plans for an Ahbranai starship that he, with the help of his Scout Spiders, is able to build, which proves to be very difficult to do given the incredibly advanced state of Ahbranai technology vs that of the Yigzan, who are descendants of the same. He then uses this ship, at the end of Lion and the Fire to rescue his people from Braisail as it begins to die, no thanks to the treachery of the Midazin. What happens to him, and his people, and most of his family, after leaving Braisail is unknown. However, it is implied that he continues his mission, this time as it's leader, in Tgegani's place, for many years afterwards.