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The Destiny is the first starship created by the Brayburn Society and was the first to find its way into deep space, becoming a part of galactic events far beyond its humble place in the universe. It is also the first warp equipped starship owned by the Society, as it lost its initial engines when it was captured by the Juinah. It was later refit with warp drives, through the generous help of the Gayik'Von, and sent back home to Earth. It's captain was Edmond Clayton, ancestor to Mike Clayton, who was also the founder and first admiral of the fledgling Earthfleet defensive force. The three primary Society scientists responsible for the creation of this ship were Dr. Brahn, Dr. Campbell, and Dr. Bannon. It's later refit as a warp capable starship was brought about through the help of Pelk, Taria, K'Vin, and Viceroy.

Known Technical Specs

Initial Version at launch: Sublight Drives: Repulsion Drive FTL: None Power: Vacuum Energy Reactor Shields: None Weapons: None Navigation: Visual Starlock Gravity Systems: None.

Post Jalc refit: Sublight Drives: Standard Galactic Impulse FTL: Warp Drive, class unknown, max speed: Warp 6. Power: Unknown. Believed to be a Deuterium fusion reactor. Shields: Class 3 shuttle (basic type 1) Weapons: Class 3 shuttle (phasers) Navigation: Subspacial Starmap Gravity Systems: Standard Class 1 artificial


Known crewmembers of the ship include:

The ship has a crew of unknown size, but it is estimated to be around 30.