The Minor Characters of Offworld
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All throughout the Offworld Universe there is a collection of minor characters for who there is very limited information. This is a summary of all of them, and the limited details available about each. They're collected here as the information on them is too small to justify their own page.
The Syndicate
- Eldric Tyde is the direct assistant to Mitch, and serves him in managing the 5th Hextant in The Race of Offworld. He tends to be a bit controlling, overbearing, and cruel, but also obedient to Mitch in any way he can be.
- Edimer is the son of the Chief Director of Section 17 and is a chimera, created from the director's DNA, and a blend of other DNA, to create the ultimate son. He is one of two such sons belonging to the Chief Director.
- Arloc is the son of the Chief Director of Section 17 and is a chimera, created from the director's DNA, and a blend of other DNA, to create the ultimate son. He is one of two such sons belonging to the Chief Director.
- Agent 2753 is a member of Section 17 and is a senior agent within the organization. He is a direct subordinate to the Chief Director, and is high ranking enough within The Syndicate that he is Sheobaal and Azazel's superior. He also regularly handles and moderates meetings with the Alien Brotherhood, as well as a number of the day to day operations of Offworld on behalf of the Chief Director.
The Dragons
- Tampos is the father of Zek, and is one of the great ancestors of The Dragons of Offworld. Not much is known about him, except his linage, as he is the son of Dreg, son of Bimranth and his existence predates that of The Race of Offworld.
- Palas is a young dragon who serves as part of the 5th Order, which is under Garloond's command. He is a squad level recruit who is still going through initial dragon training, and is freshly arrived at Kestrel Weyr.
- Kassett is the mother of Fallon, the youngling dragon, and daughter-in-law to Weyr Master Zek. Her husband is Adar.
- Avias is the father of Pehkek and a dragon of Kestrel. He is also a mid-level commander within the Sixth Dragon Order.
- Aludic is the commander of the 3rd Dragon Order of Trond Weyr and reports directly to Weyr Master Zek.
- Azzod is the father of Narond, and is one of the great ancestors of The Dragons of Offworld. Not much is known about him, except his linage, as he is the son of Dreg, son of Bimranth and his existence predates that of The Race of Offworld.
- Dreg is the father of Tampos, and is one of the great ancestors of The Dragons of Offworld. Not much is known about him, except his linage, as he is the son of Bimranth, the father of all dragons, and that his existence predates that of The Race of Offworld.
Misc Humans
- Jacob is an old man in the village of Pongo, and also a racer who has abandoned the race in favor of the love of his life, a third generation resident of Pongo whom he married. He is related to Father Mathews through marriage, and plays host to Simon's Team when they briefly pass through the village. He is a farmer by trade and lives a very simple, yet happy life in the village. He's good friends with Alex, with whom he's had many encounters.
- Father Mathews is an elder in the village of Pongo and a relative of Jacob through marriage. Not much is known about this character, other than his strong connection with God, and his apparent place as the village's spiritual leader.
- Benjamin Bernstein is a Jewish butcher and baker, and a resident of Logontown, the first settlement along the trail inside the second hextant. It's also the first town that Simon and his team encounter.
- Lord Trig is one of three Christian nobles, a Baron by rank and position, who oversees Grayside Manor in the Keep of Woes near the city of Trail Point. His entire staff, just like that of Susan Wheaton, and Lord Camton, are Christian, and oversee the saving, and protection of people within the Keep who are also believers, who are often persecuted, and enslaved, because of their Christian faith.
- Lord Camton is one of three Christian nobles, a Baron by rank and position, who oversees Branwell Manor in the Keep of Woes near the city of Trail Point. His entire staff, just like that of Susan Wheaton, and Lord Trig, are Christian, and oversee the saving, and protection of people within the Keep who are also believers, who are often persecuted, and enslaved, because of their Christian faith.
- Emily Brownstone is the wife of Emmett Brownstone and the female caretaker of the Brownstone Farm, as well as Emmett's mother. She is also Abby Delt's employer and supervisor.
- Heimart is a sergeant in the Parrcord band of The Demesne of Kaspar and answers to Thancred.
- Thancred is the commander of the Parrcord band of The Demesne of Kaspar. He is a brilliant commander, but also a cruel man who enjoys robbing and abusing anyone whom crosses his path. He is a trusted and loyal servant of Diebin and often called upon to do difficult missions for him.
- Lukas is the chief blacksmith and farrier of a small Bavarian village deep in the White Mountains. He's good at both jobs, and handles all the metal working and equestrian needs of the village related to metal work. Things such as shoeing, bridles, harnesses, and anything else that's metal related.
- Lady Lidia is the wife of Lord Banister and only has a few brief appearances in the story, but plays no major part in the story other than to be introduced as his wife, and to briefly interact with Trevor, driving him into a series of events that would lead to his finding his friends and escaping from the Sheffield Republic.
- Pyrinius is a riverboat captain who operates primarily on the Wanthom River, and the Valley of Lakes, the latter of which he calls home. He has a crew of two other men who help him operate the ship, which is a hybrid sailing/motorized riverboat that employs a combination of modern controller systems, and antique sails to power and drive his ship.
- Mathias is a 14th generation resident of Offworld and a fisherman by trade. He is a fellow Christian and helps nurse Simon back to health after the fateful events of The Reaping Sea. He and his fellow villagers also assist Simon in crossing hostile Sheffield territory to eventually reunite with Trevor and the rest of his team.
- Jack Lundy is the father of Charles Lundy, and the creator of Section 9, and its chief director.
- Tengle is a biomechanoid servant of Rupert Wendle and serves him in a wide variety of capacities. He is also unswervingly loyal to Rupert, who has treated him better than anyone else on Offworld ever has, which is what led Tengle to devote himself to Rupert, and swear to him his eternal loyalty, even well above that he once had to his creators.
Tribes and Groups
- The Nandar are a collection of primitive tribes that live near the end of the 3rd Hextant and live similar in nature to a cross between Native Americans, and the Polynesian people. And, while the tribe exists as a whole under the title of the Nandar, each village is its own separate entity, as there is no national identity to the Nandar. Just tribal city states and villages.